Source code for

import json
from import Transformer
from import DefaultParamsReadable, DefaultParamsWritable
from import *
from pyspark.sql import functions as F

[docs]class HandyTransformers(object): """Generates transformers to be used in pipelines. Available transformers: imputer: Transformer Imputation transformer for completing missing values. fencer: Transformer Fencer transformer for capping outliers according to lower and upper fences. """ def __init__(self, df): self._df = df self._handy = df._handy
[docs] def imputer(self): """ Generates a transformer to impute missing values, using values from the HandyFrame """ return HandyImputer().setDictValues(self._df.statistics_)
[docs] def fencer(self): """ Generates a transformer to fence outliers, using statistics from the HandyFrame """ return HandyFencer().setDictValues(self._df.fences_)
[docs]class HasDict(Params): """Mixin for a Dictionary parameter. It dumps the dictionary into a JSON string for storage and reloads it whenever needed. """ dictValues = Param(Params._dummy(), "dictValues", "Dictionary values", typeConverter=TypeConverters.toString) def __init__(self): super(HasDict, self).__init__() self._setDefault(dictValues='{}')
[docs] def setDictValues(self, value): """ Sets the value of :py:attr:`dictValues`. """ if isinstance(value, dict): value = json.dumps(value).replace('\'', '"') return self._set(dictValues=value)
[docs] def getDictValues(self): """ Gets the value of dictValues or its default value. """ values = self.getOrDefault(self.dictValues) return json.loads(values)
[docs]class HandyImputer(Transformer, HasDict, DefaultParamsReadable, DefaultParamsWritable): """Imputation transformer for completing missing values. Attributes ---------- statistics : dict The imputation fill value for each feature. If stratified, first level keys are filter clauses for stratification. """ def _transform(self, dataset): # Loads dictionary with values for imputation fillingValues = self.getDictValues() joined_df = None fill_dict = {} clauses = [] items = fillingValues.items() # Loops over items... for k, v in items: # If value is another dictionary, it means we're dealing with # stratified imputation - the key is the filering clause # and the value is the dictionary {column: value} if isinstance(v, dict): clauses.append(k) # Filters dataset according to clause and fills missing values strat_df = dataset.filter(k).fillna(v) # Rejoins the filtered datasets back together joined_df = strat_df if joined_df is None else joined_df.unionAll(strat_df) # It could happen that not all rows were handled - unseen values, for instance # So, the remainder rows are also rejoined to the resulting DataFrame if len(clauses): remainder = dataset.filter('not ({})'.format(' or '.join(map(lambda v: '({})'.format(v), clauses)))) joined_df = joined_df.unionAll(remainder) # Time to check all items that are NOT stratified and build a dictionary for them for k, v in items: if not isinstance(v, dict): fill_dict.update({k: v}) # If there was no stratified filling, assumes the original dataset if joined_df is None: joined_df = dataset # Finally, uses the non-stratified dictionary to fill remaining values res = # If it is a HandyFrame, make it a regular DataFrame try: res = res.notHandy() except AttributeError: pass return res @property def statistics(self): return self.getDictValues()
[docs]class HandyFencer(Transformer, HasDict, DefaultParamsReadable, DefaultParamsWritable): """Fencer transformer for capping outliers according to lower and upper fences. Attributes ---------- fences : dict The fence values for each feature. If stratified, first level keys are filter clauses for stratification. """ @staticmethod def __fence(df, values): colname, (lfence, ufence) = list(values.items())[0] # Generates two columns, for lower and upper fences # and then applies `greatest` and `least` functions # to effectively fence the values. return (df.withColumn('__fence', F.lit(lfence)) .withColumn(colname, F.greatest(colname, '__fence')) .withColumn('__fence', F.lit(ufence)) .withColumn(colname, F.least(colname, '__fence')) .drop('__fence')) def _transform(self, dataset): columns = dataset.columns # Loads dictionary with values for fencing fences = self.getDictValues() items = fences.items() joined_df = None clauses = [] # Loops over items... for k, v in items: # If value is another dictionary, it means we're dealing with # stratified imputation - the key is the filering clause # and the value is the dictionary {column: value} if isinstance(v, dict): clauses.append(k) # Filters dataset according to clause and applies fencing strat_df = HandyFencer.__fence(dataset.filter(k), v) # Rejoins the filtered datasets back together joined_df = strat_df if joined_df is None else joined_df.unionAll(strat_df) # It could happen that not all rows were handled - unseen values, for instance # So, the remainder rows are also rejoined to the resulting DataFrame if len(clauses): remainder = dataset.filter('not ({})'.format(' or '.join(map(lambda v: '({})'.format(v), clauses)))) joined_df = joined_df.unionAll(remainder) # If there was no stratified filling, assumes the original dataset if joined_df is None: joined_df = dataset # Time to check all items that are NOT stratified and apply fencing to them for k, v in items: if not isinstance(v, dict): joined_df = HandyFencer.__fence(joined_df, {k: v}) res = # If it is a HandyFrame, make it a regular DataFrame try: res = res.notHandy() except AttributeError: pass return res @property def fences(self): return self.getDictValues()