Source code for handyspark.sql.dataframe

from copy import deepcopy
from import HandyTransformers
from handyspark.plot import correlations, histogram, boxplot, scatterplot, strat_scatterplot, strat_histogram,\
    consolidate_plots, post_boxplot
from handyspark.sql.pandas import HandyPandas
from handyspark.sql.transform import _MAPPING, HandyTransform
from handyspark.util import HandyException, get_buckets, dense_to_array, disassemble, ensure_list, check_columns, \
import inspect
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from operator import itemgetter, add
import pandas as pd
from import Bucketizer
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame, GroupedData, Window, functions as F

[docs]def toHandy(self): """Converts Spark DataFrame into HandyFrame. """ return HandyFrame(self)
[docs]def notHandy(self): return self
DataFrame.toHandy = toHandy DataFrame.notHandy = notHandy
[docs]class Handy(object): def __init__(self, df): self._df = df # classification self._is_classification = False self._nclasses = None self._classes = None # transformers self._imputed_values = {} self._fenced_values = {} # groups / strata self._group_cols = None self._strata_object = None self._strata_plot = None self._clear_stratification() self._safety_limit = 1000 self._safety = True self._update_types() def __deepcopy__(self, memo): cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) memo[id(self)] = result for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if k not in ['_df', '_strata_object', '_strata_plot']: setattr(result, k, deepcopy(v, memo)) return result def __getitem__(self, *args): if isinstance(args[0], tuple): args = args[0] item = args[0] n = 20 if len(args) > 1: n = args[1] if n is None: n = -1 if isinstance(item, int): idx = item + (len(self._group_cols) if self._group_cols is not None else 0) assert idx < len(self._df.columns), "Invalid column index {}".format(idx) item = list(self._df.columns)[idx] if isinstance(item, str): if self._group_cols is None or len(self._group_cols) == 0: res = self._take_array(item, n) if res.ndim > 1: res = res.tolist() res = pd.Series(res, name=item) if self._strata is not None: strata = list(map(lambda v: v[1].to_dict(), self.strata.iterrows())) if len(strata) == len(res): res = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(strata), res], axis=1).set_index(self._strata).sort_index() return res else: check_columns(self._df, list(self._group_cols) + [item]) pdf = self._df.notHandy().select(list(self._group_cols) + [item]) if n != -1: pdf = pdf.limit(n) res = pdf.toPandas().set_index(list(self._group_cols)).sort_index()[item] return res @property def stages(self): return (len(list(filter(lambda v: '+' == v, map(lambda s: s.strip()[0], self._df.rdd.toDebugString().decode().split('\n'))))) + 1) @property def statistics_(self): return self._imputed_values @property def fences_(self): return self._fenced_values @property def is_classification(self): return self._is_classification @property def classes(self): return self._classes @property def nclasses(self): return self._nclasses @property def response(self): return self._response @property def ncols(self): return len(self._types) @property def nrows(self): return self._df.count() @property def shape(self): return (self.nrows, self.ncols) @property def strata(self): if self._strata is not None: return pd.DataFrame(data=self._strata_combinations, columns=self._strata) def _stratify(self, strata): return HandyStrata(self, strata) def _clear_stratification(self): self._strata = None self._strata_combinations = [] self._strata_clauses = [] self._n_cols = 1 self._n_rows = 1 def _set_stratification(self, strata, combinations, clauses): if strata is not None: assert len(combinations[0]) == len(strata), "Mismatched number of combinations and strata!" self._strata = strata self._strata_combinations = combinations self._strata_clauses = clauses self._n_cols = len(set(map(itemgetter(0), combinations))) try: self._n_rows = len(set(map(itemgetter(1), combinations))) except IndexError: self._n_rows = 1 def _build_strat_plot(self, n_rows, n_cols, **kwargs): fig, axs = plt.subplots(n_rows, n_cols, **kwargs) if n_rows == 1: axs = [axs] if n_cols == 1: axs = [axs] self._strata_plot = (fig, [ax for col in np.transpose(axs) for ax in col]) def _update_types(self): self._types = list(map(lambda t: (, t.dataType.typeName()), self._df.schema.fields)) self._numerical = list(map(itemgetter(0), filter(lambda t: t[1] in ['byte', 'short', 'integer', 'long', 'float', 'double'], self._types))) self._continuous = list(map(itemgetter(0), filter(lambda t: t[1] in ['double', 'float'], self._types))) self._categorical = list(map(itemgetter(0), filter(lambda t: t[1] in ['byte', 'short', 'integer', 'long', 'boolan', 'string'], self._types))) self._array = list(map(itemgetter(0), filter(lambda t: t[1] in ['array', 'map'], self._types))) self._string = list(map(itemgetter(0), filter(lambda t: t[1] in ['string'], self._types))) def _take_array(self, colname, n): check_columns(self._df, colname) datatype = self._df.notHandy().select(colname).schema.fields[0].dataType.typeName() rdd = self._df.notHandy().select(colname) if n == -1: data = rdd.collect() else: data = rdd.take(n) return np.array(data, dtype=_MAPPING.get(datatype, 'object')) def _value_counts(self, colnames, dropna=True): check_columns(self._df, colnames) data = self._df.notHandy().select(colnames) if dropna: data = data.dropna() values = (data .rdd .map(tuple) .map(lambda t: (t, 1)) .reduceByKey(add) .sortBy(itemgetter(1), ascending=False)) return values def __fill_target(self, target): assert isinstance(target, DataFrame), "Target must be a DataFrame" joined_df = None fill_dict = {} clauses = [] items = self._imputed_values.items() for k, v in items: if isinstance(v, dict): clauses.append(k) strat_df = target.filter(k).fillna(v) joined_df = strat_df if joined_df is None else joined_df.unionAll(strat_df) if len(clauses): remainder = target.filter('not ({})'.format(' or '.join(map(lambda v: '({})'.format(v), clauses)))) joined_df = joined_df.unionAll(remainder) for k, v in items: if not isinstance(v, dict): fill_dict.update({k: v}) if joined_df is None: joined_df = target res = HandyFrame(, self) return res def _fill_values(self, continuous, categorical, strategy): values = {} values.update(dict(self._df._means[map(itemgetter(0), filter(lambda t: t[1] == 'mean', zip(continuous, strategy)))])) values.update(dict(self._df._medians[map(itemgetter(0), filter(lambda t: t[1] == 'median', zip(continuous, strategy)))])) values.update(dict([(col, self.mode(col).values[0]) for col in categorical if col in self._categorical])) return values def __fill_self(self, continuous, categorical, strategy): continuous = none2default(continuous, []) categorical = none2default(categorical, []) check_columns(self._df, continuous + categorical) strategy = none2default(strategy, 'mean') if continuous == 'all': continuous = self._continuous if categorical == 'all': categorical = self._categorical if isinstance(strategy, (list, tuple)): assert len(continuous) == len(strategy), "There must be a strategy to each column." else: strategy = [strategy] * len(continuous) values = self._fill_values(continuous, categorical, strategy) self._imputed_values.update(values) res = HandyFrame(self._df.notHandy().na.fill(values), self) return res def _dense_to_array(self, colname, array_colname): check_columns(self._df, colname) res = dense_to_array(self._df.notHandy(), colname, array_colname) return HandyFrame(res, self)
[docs] def disassemble(self, colname, new_colnames=None): check_columns(self._df, colname) res = disassemble(self._df.notHandy(), colname, new_colnames) return HandyFrame(res, self)
[docs] def to_metrics_RDD(self, prob_col, label): check_columns(self._df, [prob_col, label]) return self.disassemble(prob_col).select('{}_1'.format(prob_col), F.col(label).cast('double'))
[docs] def fill(self, *args, continuous=None, categorical=None, strategy=None): if len(args) and isinstance(args[0], DataFrame): return self.__fill_target(args[0]) else: return self.__fill_self(continuous=continuous, categorical=categorical, strategy=strategy)
[docs] def isnull(self, ratio=False): name = 'missing' nrows = self.nrows missing = (nrows - self._df._counts) if ratio: base = nrows name += '(ratio)' missing /= base = name return missing
[docs] def outliers(self, colnames=None, ratio=False, method='tukey', **kwargs): colnames = none2default(colnames, self._numerical) colnames = ensure_list(colnames) check_columns(self._df, colnames) colnames = [col for col in colnames if col in self._numerical] if method == 'tukey': outliers = [] try: k = kwargs['k'] except KeyError: k = 1.5 for colname in colnames: q1, q3 = self._df._summary.loc['25%', colname], self._df._summary.loc['75%', colname] iqr = q3 - q1 lfence = q1 - (k * iqr) ufence = q3 + (k * iqr) outliers.append(self._df.filter(~F.col(colname).between(lfence, ufence)).count()) if ratio: outliers[-1] /= self._df._counts[colname] res = pd.Series(outliers, index=colnames, dtype=np.float64) return res
[docs] def nunique(self, colnames=None): colnames = none2default(colnames, self._df.columns) colnames = ensure_list(colnames) check_columns(self._df, colnames) return pd.Series([self._df.notHandy().select(col).dropna().distinct().count() for col in colnames], index=colnames)
[docs] def fence(self, colnames, k=1.5): colnames = ensure_list(colnames) check_columns(self._df, colnames) colnames = [col for col in colnames if col in self._numerical] df = self._df.notHandy() for colname in colnames: q1, q3 = self._df.approxQuantile(col=colname, probabilities=[.25, .75], relativeError=0.01) iqr = q3 - q1 lfence = q1 - (k * iqr) ufence = q3 + (k * iqr) self._fenced_values.update({colname: [lfence, ufence]}) df = (df .withColumn('__fence', F.lit(lfence)) .withColumn(colname, F.greatest(colname, '__fence')) .withColumn('__fence', F.lit(ufence)) .withColumn(colname, F.least(colname, '__fence'))) return HandyFrame(, self)
[docs] def set_response(self, colname): check_columns(self._df, colname) self._response = colname if colname is not None: if colname not in self._continuous: self._is_classification = True self._classes = self._df.notHandy().select(colname) self._nclasses = len(self._classes) return self
[docs] def value_counts(self, colname, dropna=True): values = self._value_counts(colname, dropna).collect() return pd.Series(map(itemgetter(1), values), index=map(lambda t: t[0][0], values), name=colname)
[docs] def mode(self, colname): return pd.Series(self._value_counts(colname).filter(lambda t: t[0] is not None).take(1)[0][0][0], index=[colname], name='mode')
[docs] def corr(self, colnames=None, method='pearson'): colnames = none2default(colnames, self._numerical) colnames = ensure_list(colnames) check_columns(self._df, colnames) colnames = [col for col in colnames if col in self._numerical] if self._strata is not None: colnames = sorted([col for col in colnames if col not in self._strata]) pdf = correlations(self._df.notHandy(), colnames, method=method, ax=None, plot=False) return pdf
[docs] def mean(self, colnames): return self._df._get_summary(colnames, 'mean').dropna()
[docs] def min(self, colnames): return self._df._get_summary(colnames, 'min').dropna()
[docs] def max(self, colnames): return self._df._get_summary(colnames, 'max').dropna()
[docs] def median(self, colnames): return self._df._get_summary(colnames, '50%').dropna()
[docs] def stddev(self, colnames): return self._df._get_summary(colnames, 'stddev').dropna()
[docs] def var(self, colnames): return self._df._get_summary(colnames, 'stddev').dropna() ** 2
[docs] def q1(self, colnames): return self._df._get_summary(colnames, '25%').dropna()
[docs] def q3(self, colnames): return self._df._get_summary(colnames, '75%').dropna()
### Boxplot functions def _strat_boxplot(self, colnames, **kwargs): n_rows = n_cols = 1 kwds = deepcopy(kwargs) try: del kwds['showfliers'] except KeyError: pass if isinstance(colnames, (tuple, list)) and (len(colnames) > 1): n_rows = self._n_rows n_cols = self._n_cols self._build_strat_plot(n_rows, n_cols, **kwds) return None
[docs] def boxplot(self, colnames, ax=None, showfliers=True, k=1.5, **kwargs): colnames = ensure_list(colnames) check_columns(self._df, colnames) colnames = [col for col in colnames if col in self._numerical] assert len(colnames), "Only numerical columns can be plot!" return boxplot(self._df, colnames, ax, showfliers, k)
def _post_boxplot(self, res): return post_boxplot(self._strata_plot[1], res, self._strata_clauses) ### Scatterplot functions def _strat_scatterplot(self, colnames, **kwargs): self._build_strat_plot(self._n_rows, self._n_cols, **kwargs) return strat_scatterplot(self._df.notHandy(), colnames[0], colnames[1])
[docs] def scatterplot(self, colnames, ax=None, **kwargs): assert len(colnames) == 2, "There must be two columns to plot!" check_columns(self._df, colnames) colnames = [col for col in colnames if col in self._numerical] assert len(colnames) == 2, "Both columns must be numerical!" return scatterplot(self._df, colnames[0], colnames[1], ax=ax)
### Histogram functions def _strat_hist(self, colname, bins=10, **kwargs): self._build_strat_plot(self._n_rows, self._n_cols, **kwargs) categorical = True if colname in self._continuous: categorical = False res = strat_histogram(self._df.notHandy(), colname, bins, categorical) self._strata_plot[0].suptitle('') plt.tight_layout() return res
[docs] def hist(self, colname, bins=10, ax=None, **kwargs): # TO DO # include split per response/columns assert len(ensure_list(colname)) == 1, "Only single columns can be plot!" check_columns(self._df, colname) if colname in self._continuous: return histogram(self._df, colname, bins=bins, categorical=False, ax=ax) else: return histogram(self._df, colname, bins=bins, categorical=True, ax=ax)
[docs]class HandyGrouped(GroupedData): def __init__(self, jgd, df, *args): self._jgd = jgd self._df = df self.sql_ctx = df.sql_ctx self._cols = args
[docs] def agg(self, *exprs): df = super().agg(*exprs) handy = deepcopy(self._df._handy) handy._group_cols = self._cols return HandyFrame(df, handy)
def __repr__(self): return "HandyGrouped[%s]" % (", ".join("%s" % c for c in self._group_cols))
[docs]class HandyFrame(DataFrame): """HandySpark version of DataFrame. Attributes ---------- cols: HandyColumns class to access pandas-like column based methods implemented in Spark pandas: HandyPandas class to access pandas-like column based methods through pandas UDFs transformers: HandyTransformers class to generate Handy transformers stages: integer number of stages in the execution plan response: string name of the response column is_classification: boolean True if response is a categorical variable classes: list list of classes for a classification problem nclasses: integer number of classes for a classification problem ncols: integer number of columns of the HandyFrame nrows: integer number of rows of the HandyFrame shape: tuple tuple representing dimensionality of the HandyFrame statistics_: dict imputation fill value for each feature If stratified, first level keys are filter clauses for stratification fences_: dict fence values for each feature If stratified, first level keys are filter clauses for stratification is_stratified: boolean True if HandyFrame was stratified values: ndarray Numpy representation of HandyFrame. Available methods: - notHandy: makes it a plain Spark dataframe - stratify: used to perform stratified operations - isnull: checks for missing values - fill: fills missing values - outliers: checks for outliers - fence: fences outliers - set_safety_limit: defines new safety limit for collect operations - safety_off: disables safety limit for a single operation - assign: appends a new columns based on an expression - nunique: returns number of unique values in each column - set_response: sets column to be used as response / label - disassemble: turns a vector / array column into multiple columns - to_metrics_RDD: turns probability and label columns into a tuple RDD """ def __init__(self, df, handy=None): super().__init__(df._jdf, df.sql_ctx) if handy is None: handy = Handy(self) else: handy = deepcopy(handy) handy._df = self handy._update_types() self._handy = handy self._safety = self._handy._safety self._safety_limit = self._handy._safety_limit self.__overriden = ['collect', 'take'] self._strat_handy = None self._strat_index = None # statistics self._summary = None self._means = None self._medians = None self._counts = None self._summaries() def __getattribute__(self, name): attr = object.__getattribute__(self, name) if hasattr(attr, '__call__') and name not in self.__overriden: def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: res = attr(*args, **kwargs) except HandyException as e: raise HandyException(str(e), summary=False) except Exception as e: raise HandyException(str(e), summary=True) if name != 'notHandy': if not isinstance(res, HandyFrame): if isinstance(res, DataFrame): res = HandyFrame(res, self._handy) if isinstance(res, GroupedData): res = HandyGrouped(res._jgd, res._df, *args) return res return wrapper else: return attr def __repr__(self): return "HandyFrame[%s]" % (", ".join("%s: %s" % c for c in self.dtypes)) def _get_strata(self): plot = None object = None if self._strat_handy is not None: try: object = self._strat_handy._strata_object except AttributeError: pass if object is None: object = True try: plots = self._strat_handy._strata_plot[1] if len(plots) > 1: plot = plots[self._strat_index] except (AttributeError, IndexError): pass return plot, object def _gen_row_ids(self, *args): # EXPERIMENTAL - DO NOT USE! return (self .sort(*args) .withColumn('_miid', F.monotonically_increasing_id()) .withColumn('_row_id', F.row_number().over(Window().orderBy(F.col('_miid')))) .drop('_miid')) def _loc(self, lower_bound, upper_bound): # EXPERIMENTAL - DO NOT USE! assert '_row_id' in self.columns, "Cannot use LOC without generating `row_id`s first!" clause = F.col('_row_id').between(lower_bound, upper_bound) return self.filter(clause) def _summaries(self): self._summary = self.notHandy().summary().toPandas().set_index('summary') for col in self._handy._numerical: self._summary[col] = self._summary[col].astype('double') self._means = self._summary.loc['mean', self._handy._continuous] self._medians = self._summary.loc['50%', self._handy._continuous] self._counts = self._summary.loc['count'].astype('double') def _get_summary(self, colnames, statistic): colnames = ensure_list(colnames) colnames = [col for col in colnames if col in self._handy._numerical] check_columns(self, colnames) return self._summary.loc[statistic, colnames] @property def cols(self): """Returns a class to access pandas-like column based methods implemented in Spark Available methods: - min - max - median - q1 - q3 - stddev - value_counts - mode - corr - nunique - hist - boxplot - scatterplot """ return HandyColumns(self, self._handy) @property def pandas(self): """Returns a class to access pandas-like column based methods through pandas UDFs Available methods: - betweeen / between_time - isin - isna / isnull - notna / notnull - abs - clip / clip_lower / clip_upper - replace - round / truncate - tz_convert / tz_localize """ return HandyPandas(self) @property def transformers(self): """Returns a class to generate Handy transformers Available transformers: - HandyImputer - HandyFencer """ return HandyTransformers(self) @property def stages(self): """Returns the number of stages in the execution plan. """ return self._handy.stages @property def response(self): """Returns the name of the response column. """ return self._handy.response @property def is_classification(self): """Returns True if response is a categorical variable. """ return self._handy.is_classification @property def classes(self): """Returns list of classes for a classification problem. """ return self._handy.classes @property def nclasses(self): """Returns the number of classes for a classification problem. """ return self._handy.nclasses @property def ncols(self): """Returns the number of columns of the HandyFrame. """ return self._handy.ncols @property def nrows(self): """Returns the number of rows of the HandyFrame. """ return self._handy.nrows @property def shape(self): """Return a tuple representing the dimensionality of the HandyFrame. """ return self._handy.shape @property def statistics_(self): """Returns dictionary with imputation fill value for each feature. If stratified, first level keys are filter clauses for stratification. """ return self._handy.statistics_ @property def fences_(self): """Returns dictionary with fence values for each feature. If stratified, first level keys are filter clauses for stratification. """ return self._handy.fences_ @property def values(self): """Numpy representation of HandyFrame. """ # safety limit will kick in, unless explicitly off before tdf = self if self._safety: tdf = tdf.limit(self._safety_limit) return np.array(
[docs] def notHandy(self): """Converts HandyFrame back into Spark's DataFrame """ return DataFrame(self._jdf, self.sql_ctx)
[docs] def set_safety_limit(self, limit): """Sets safety limit used for ``collect`` method. """ self._handy._safety_limit = limit self._safety_limit = limit
[docs] def safety_off(self): """Disables safety limit for a single call of ``collect`` method. """ self._handy._safety = False self._safety = False return self
[docs] def collect(self): """Returns all the records as a list of :class:`Row`. By default, its output is limited by the safety limit. To get original `collect` behavior, call ``safety_off`` method first. """ try: if self._safety: print('\nINFO: Safety is ON - returning up to {} instances.'.format(self._safety_limit)) return super().limit(self._safety_limit).collect() else: res = super().collect() self._safety = True return res except HandyException as e: raise HandyException(str(e), summary=False) except Exception as e: raise HandyException(str(e), summary=True)
[docs] def take(self, num): """Returns the first ``num`` rows as a :class:`list` of :class:`Row`. """ self._handy._safety = False res = super().take(num) self._handy._safety = True return res
[docs] def stratify(self, strata): """Stratify the HandyFrame. Stratified operations should be more efficient than group by operations, as they rely on three iterative steps, namely: filtering the underlying HandyFrame, performing the operation and aggregating the results. """ check_columns(self, strata) return self._handy._stratify(strata)
[docs] def transform(self, f, name=None, args=None, returnType=None): """INTERNAL USE """ return HandyTransform.transform(self, f, name=name, args=args, returnType=returnType)
[docs] def apply(self, f, name=None, args=None, returnType=None): """INTERNAL USE """ return HandyTransform.apply(self, f, name=name, args=args, returnType=returnType)
[docs] def assign(self, **kwargs): """Assign new columns to a HandyFrame, returning a new object (a copy) with all the original columns in addition to the new ones. Parameters ---------- kwargs : keyword, value pairs keywords are the column names. If the values are callable, they are computed on the DataFrame and assigned to the new columns. If the values are not callable, (e.g. a scalar, or string), they are simply assigned. Returns ------- df : HandyFrame A new HandyFrame with the new columns in addition to all the existing columns. """ return HandyTransform.assign(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def isnull(self, ratio=False): """Returns array with counts of missing value for each column in the HandyFrame. Parameters ---------- ratio: boolean, default False If True, returns ratios instead of absolute counts. Returns ------- counts: Series """ return self._handy.isnull(ratio)
[docs] def nunique(self): """Return Series with number of distinct observations for all columns. Returns ------- nunique: Series """ return self._handy.nunique(self.columns)
[docs] def outliers(self, ratio=False, method='tukey', **kwargs): """Return Series with number of outlier observations according to the specified method for all columns. Parameters ---------- ratio: boolean, optional If True, returns proportion instead of counts. Default is True. method: string, optional Method used to detect outliers. Currently, only Tukey's method is supported. Default is tukey. Returns ------- outliers: Series """ return self._handy.outliers(self.columns, ratio=ratio, method=method, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_response(self, colname): """Sets column to be used as response in supervised learning algorithms. Parameters ---------- colname: string Returns ------- self """ check_columns(self, colname) return self._handy.set_response(colname)
[docs] def fill(self, *args, categorical=None, continuous=None, strategy=None): """Fill NA/NaN values using the specified methods. The values used for imputation are kept in ``statistics_`` property and can later be used to generate a corresponding HandyImputer transformer. Parameters ---------- categorical: 'all' or list of string, optional List of categorical columns. These columns are filled with its coresponding modes (most common values). continuous: 'all' or list of string, optional List of continuous value columns. By default, these columns are filled with its corresponding means. If a same-sized list is provided in the ``strategy`` argument, it uses the corresponding straegy for each column. strategy: list of string, optional If informed, it must contain a strategy - either ``mean`` or ``median`` - for each one of the continuous columns. Returns ------- df : HandyFrame A new HandyFrame with filled missing values. """ return self._handy.fill(*args, continuous=continuous, categorical=categorical, strategy=strategy)
[docs] def fence(self, colnames, k=1.5): """Caps outliers using lower and upper fences given by Tukey's method, using 1.5 times the interquartile range (IQR). The fence values used for capping outliers are kept in ``fences_`` property and can later be used to generate a corresponding HandyFencer transformer. For more information, check:'s_fences Parameters ---------- colnames: list of string Column names to apply fencing. k: float, optional Constant multiplier for the IQR. Default is 1.5 (corresponding to Tukey's outlier, use 3 for "far out" values) Returns ------- df : HandyFrame A new HandyFrame with capped outliers. """ return self._handy.fence(colnames, k=k)
[docs] def disassemble(self, colname, new_colnames=None): """Disassembles a Vector or Array column into multiple columns. Parameters ---------- colname: string Column containing Vector or Array elements. new_colnames: list of string, optional Default is None, column names are generated using a sequentially generated suffix (e.g., _0, _1, etc.) for ``colname``. If informed, it must have as many column names as elements in the shortest vector/array of ``colname``. Returns ------- df : HandyFrame A new HandyFrame with the new disassembled columns in addition to all the existing columns. """ return self._handy.disassemble(colname, new_colnames)
[docs] def to_metrics_RDD(self, prob_col='probability', label_col='label'): """Converts a DataFrame containing predicted probabilities and classification labels into a RDD suited for use with ``BinaryClassificationMetrics`` object. Parameters ---------- prob_col: string, optional Column containing Vectors of probabilities. Default is 'probability'. label_col: string, optional Column containing labels. Default is 'label'. Returns ------- rdd: RDD RDD of tuples (probability, label) """ return self._handy.to_metrics_RDD(prob_col, label_col)
[docs]class Bucket(object): """Bucketizes a column of continuous values into equal sized bins to perform stratification. Parameters ---------- colname: string Column containing continuous values bins: integer Number of equal sized bins to map original values to. Returns ------- bucket: Bucket Bucket object to be used as column in stratification. """ def __init__(self, colname, bins=5): self._colname = colname self._bins = bins def __repr__(self): return 'Bucket_{}_{}'.format(self._colname, self._bins) @property def colname(self): return self._colname def _get_buckets(self, df): check_columns(df, self._colname) buckets = ([-float('inf')] + get_buckets(, self._bins) + [float('inf')]) buckets[-2] += 1e-14 return buckets def _get_clauses(self, buckets): clauses = [] clauses.append('{} < {:.4f}'.format(self._colname, buckets[1])) for b, e in zip(buckets[1:-2], buckets[2:-1]): clauses.append('{} >= {:.4f} and {} < {:.4f}'.format(self._colname, b, self._colname, e)) clauses[-1] = clauses[-1].replace('<', '<=') clauses.append('{} > {:.4f}'.format(self._colname, buckets[-2])) return clauses
[docs]class Quantile(Bucket): """Bucketizes a column of continuous values into quantiles to perform stratification. Parameters ---------- colname: string Column containing continuous values bins: integer Number of quantiles to map original values to. Returns ------- quantile: Quantile Quantile object to be used as column in stratification. """ def __repr__(self): return 'Quantile{}_{}'.format(self._colname, self._bins) def _get_buckets(self, df): buckets = ([-float('inf')] + df.approxQuantile(col=self._colname, probabilities=np.linspace(0, 1, self._bins + 1).tolist(), relativeError=0.01) + [float('inf')]) buckets[-2] += 1e-14 return buckets
[docs]class HandyColumns(object): """HandyColumn(s) in a HandyFrame. Attributes ---------- numerical: list of string List of numerical columns (integer, float, double) categorical: list of string List of categorical columns (string, integer) continuous: list of string List of continous columns (float, double) string: list of string List of string columns (string) array: list of string List of array columns (array, map) """ def __init__(self, df, handy, strata=None): self._df = df self._handy = handy self._strata = strata self._colnames = None self.COLTYPES = {'continuous': self.continuous, 'categorical': self.categorical, 'numerical': self.numerical, 'string': self.string, 'array': self.array} def __getitem__(self, *args): if isinstance(args[0], tuple): args = args[0] item = args[0] if self._strata is None: if self._colnames is None: if item == slice(None, None, None): item = self._df.columns if isinstance(item, str): try: # try it as an alias item = self.COLTYPES[item] except KeyError: pass check_columns(self._df, item) self._colnames = item if isinstance(self._colnames, int): idx = self._colnames + (len(self._handy._group_cols) if self._handy._group_cols is not None else 0) assert idx < len(self._df.columns), "Invalid column index {}".format(idx) self._colnames = list(self._df.columns)[idx] return self else: try: n = item.stop if n is None: n = -1 except: n = 20 if isinstance(self._colnames, (tuple, list)): res = self._df.notHandy().select(self._colnames) if n == -1: if self._df._safety: print('\nINFO: Safety is ON - returning up to {} instances.'.format(self._df._safety_limit)) n = self._df._safety_limit if n != -1: res = res.limit(n) res = res.toPandas() self._handy._safety = True self._df._safety = True return res else: return self._handy.__getitem__(self._colnames, n) else: if self._colnames is None: if item == slice(None, None, None): item = self._df.columns if isinstance(item, str): try: # try it as an alias item = self.COLTYPES[item] except KeyError: pass self._strata._handycolumns = item return self._strata def __repr__(self): colnames = ensure_list(self._colnames) return "HandyColumns[%s]" % (", ".join("%s" % str(c) for c in colnames)) @property def numerical(self): """Returns list of numerical columns in the HandyFrame. """ return self._handy._numerical @property def categorical(self): """Returns list of categorical columns in the HandyFrame. """ return self._handy._categorical @property def continuous(self): """Returns list of continuous columns in the HandyFrame. """ return self._handy._continuous @property def string(self): """Returns list of string columns in the HandyFrame. """ return self._handy._string @property def array(self): """Returns list of array or map columns in the HandyFrame. """ return self._handy._array
[docs] def mean(self): return self._df._get_summary(self._colnames, 'mean').dropna()
[docs] def min(self): return self._df._get_summary(self._colnames, 'min').dropna()
[docs] def max(self): return self._df._get_summary(self._colnames, 'max').dropna()
[docs] def median(self): return self._df._get_summary(self._colnames, '50%').dropna()
[docs] def stddev(self): return self._df._get_summary(self._colnames, 'stddev').dropna()
[docs] def var(self): return self._df._get_summary(self._colnames, 'stddev').dropna() ** 2
[docs] def q1(self): return self._df._get_summary(self._colnames, '25%').dropna()
[docs] def q3(self): return self._df._get_summary(self._colnames, '75%').dropna()
[docs] def value_counts(self, dropna=True): """Returns object containing counts of unique values. The resulting object will be in descending order so that the first element is the most frequently-occurring element. Excludes NA values by default. Parameters ---------- dropna : boolean, default True Don't include counts of missing values. Returns ------- counts: Series """ assert len(ensure_list(self._colnames)) == 1, "A single column must be selected!" return self._handy.value_counts(self._colnames, dropna)
[docs] def mode(self): """Returns same-type modal (most common) value for each column. Returns ------- mode: Series """ colnames = ensure_list(self._colnames) modes = [self._handy.mode(colname) for colname in colnames] if len(colnames) == 1: return modes[0] else: return pd.concat(modes, axis=0)
[docs] def corr(self, method='pearson'): """Compute pairwise correlation of columns, excluding NA/null values. Parameters ---------- method : {'pearson', 'spearman'} * pearson : standard correlation coefficient * spearman : Spearman rank correlation Returns ------- y : DataFrame """ colnames = [col for col in self._colnames if col in self.numerical] return self._handy.corr(colnames, method=method)
[docs] def nunique(self): """Return Series with number of distinct observations for specified columns. Returns ------- nunique: Series """ return self._handy.nunique(self._colnames)
[docs] def outliers(self, ratio=False, method='tukey'): """Return Series with number of outlier observations according to the specified method for all columns. Parameters ---------- ratio: boolean, optional If True, returns proportion instead of counts. Default is True. method: string, optional Method used to detect outliers. Currently, only Tukey's method is supported. Default is tukey. Returns ------- outliers: Series """ return self._handy.outliers(self._colnames, ratio=ratio, method=method)
[docs] def hist(self, bins=10, ax=None): """Draws histogram of the HandyFrame's column using matplotlib / pylab. Parameters ---------- bins : integer, default 10 Number of histogram bins to be used ax : matplotlib axes object, default None """ return self._handy.hist(self._colnames, bins, ax)
[docs] def boxplot(self, ax=None, showfliers=True, k=1.5): """Makes a box plot from HandyFrame column. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib axes object, default None showfliers : bool, optional (True) Show the outliers beyond the caps. k: float, optional Constant multiplier for the IQR. Default is 1.5 (corresponding to Tukey's outlier, use 3 for "far out" values) """ return self._handy.boxplot(self._colnames, ax, showfliers, k)
[docs] def scatterplot(self, ax=None): """Makes a scatter plot of two HandyFrame columns. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib axes object, default None """ return self._handy.scatterplot(self._colnames, ax)
[docs]class HandyStrata(object): __handy_methods = (list(filter(lambda n: n[0] != '_', (map(itemgetter(0), inspect.getmembers(HandyFrame, predicate=inspect.isfunction) + inspect.getmembers(HandyColumns, predicate=inspect.isfunction)))))) + ['handy'] def __init__(self, handy, strata): self._handy = handy self._df = handy._df self._strata = strata self._col_clauses = [] self._colnames = [] temp_df = self._df for col in self._strata: clauses = [] colname = str(col) self._colnames.append(colname) if isinstance(col, Bucket): buckets = col._get_buckets(self._df) clauses = col._get_clauses(buckets) bucketizer = Bucketizer(splits=buckets, inputCol=col.colname, outputCol=colname) temp_df = HandyFrame(bucketizer.transform(temp_df), self._handy) self._col_clauses.append(clauses) combinations = sorted(temp_df._handy._value_counts(self._colnames).map(itemgetter(0)).collect()) self._combinations = [tuple(value if not len(clauses) else clauses[int(value)] for value, clauses in zip(comb, self._col_clauses)) for comb in combinations] self._clauses = [' and '.join(value if isinstance(col, Bucket) else '{} == "{}"'.format(str(col), value[0] if isinstance(value, tuple) else value) for col, value in zip(self._strata, comb)) for comb in self._combinations] self._strat_df = [self._df.filter(clause) for clause in self._clauses] # Shares the same HANDY object among all sub dataframes for i, df in enumerate(self._strat_df): df._strat_index = i df._strat_handy = self._handy self._imputed_values = {} self._handycolumns = None def __repr__(self): repr = "HandyStrata[%s]" % (", ".join("%s" % str(c) for c in self._strata)) if self._handycolumns is not None: colnames = ensure_list(self._handycolumns) repr = "HandyColumns[%s] by %s" % (", ".join("%s" % str(c) for c in colnames), repr) return repr def __getattribute__(self, name): try: if name == 'cols': return HandyColumns(self._df, self._handy, self) else: attr = object.__getattribute__(self, name) return attr except AttributeError as e: if name in self.__handy_methods: def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: # Makes stratification for df in self._strat_df: df._handy._strata = self._strata self._handy._set_stratification(self._strata, self._combinations, self._clauses) if self._handycolumns is not None: args = (self._handycolumns,) + args try: attr_strata = getattr(self._handy, '_strat_{}'.format(name)) self._handy._strata_object = attr_strata(*args, **kwargs) except AttributeError: pass if self._handycolumns is not None: res = [getattr(df._handy, name)(*args, **kwargs) for df in self._strat_df] else: res = [getattr(df, name)(*args, **kwargs) for df in self._strat_df] try: attr_post = getattr(self._handy, '_post_{}'.format(name)) res = attr_post(res) except AttributeError: pass strata = list(map(lambda v: v[1].to_dict(), self._handy.strata.iterrows())) strata_cols = [c if isinstance(c, str) else c.colname for c in self._strata] if isinstance(res[0], DataFrame): joined_df = res[0] self._imputed_values = joined_df.statistics_ self._fenced_values = joined_df.fences_ if len(res) > 1: if len(joined_df.statistics_): self._imputed_values = {self._clauses[0]: joined_df.statistics_} if len(joined_df.fences_): self._fenced_values = {self._clauses[0]: joined_df.fences_} for strat_df, clause in zip(res[1:], self._clauses[1:]): if len(joined_df.statistics_): self._imputed_values.update({clause: strat_df.statistics_}) if len(joined_df.fences_): self._fenced_values.update({clause: strat_df.fences_}) joined_df = joined_df.unionAll(strat_df) # Clears stratification self._handy._clear_stratification() res = HandyFrame(joined_df, self._handy) res._handy._imputed_values = self._imputed_values res._handy._fenced_values = self._fenced_values elif isinstance(res[0], pd.DataFrame): strat_res = [] indexes = res[0].index.names if indexes[0] is None: indexes = ['index'] for r, s in zip(res, strata): strata_dict = dict([(k if isinstance(k, str) else k.colname, v) for k, v in s.items()]) strat_res.append(r.assign(**strata_dict) .reset_index()) res = (pd.concat(strat_res) .sort_values(by=strata_cols) .set_index(strata_cols + indexes) .sort_index()) elif isinstance(res[0], pd.Series): strat_res = [] for r, s in zip(res, strata): strata_dict = dict([(k if isinstance(k, str) else k.colname, v) for k, v in s.items()]) series_name = none2default(, 0) if series_name == name: series_name = 'index' strat_res.append(r.reset_index() .rename(columns={series_name: name, 'index': series_name}) .assign(**strata_dict) .set_index(strata_cols + [series_name])[name]) res = pd.concat(strat_res).sort_index() if len(ensure_list(self._handycolumns)) > 1: try: res = res.astype(np.float64) res = res.to_frame().reset_index().pivot_table(values=name, index=strata_cols, columns=series_name) = '' except ValueError: pass elif isinstance(res[0], np.ndarray): # TO TEST strat_res = [] for r, s in zip(res, strata): strata_dict = dict([(k if isinstance(k, str) else k.colname, v) for k, v in s.items()]) strat_res.append(pd.DataFrame(r, columns=[name]) .assign(**strata_dict) .set_index(strata_cols)[name]) res = pd.concat(strat_res).sort_index() elif isinstance(res[0], Axes): res, axs = self._handy._strata_plot res = consolidate_plots(res, axs, args[0], self._clauses) elif isinstance(res[0], list): joined_list = res[0] for l in res[1:]: joined_list += l return joined_list elif len(res) == len(self._combinations): res = (pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(res, columns=[name]), pd.DataFrame(strata, columns=strata_cols)], axis=1) .set_index(strata_cols) .sort_index()) return res except HandyException as e: raise HandyException(str(e), summary=False) except Exception as e: raise HandyException(str(e), summary=True) finally: self._handy._clear_stratification() return wrapper else: raise e